
If you could narrow it down to ONE Pairsum (e.g. 10/1,1), we could all make huge profit because the PairDrawCount will give you very few numbers to play with a singe Pairsum.


Well, if you could give me one PAIRSUM, I can workup the numbers. I just dont have time to do it all.

FOR EXAMPLE, here is TX 8/2,2 that is overdue. Notice the FSB pair that tends to hit more than other pair patterns. Only 5 numbers.


so as of 12:30 central time, looking up the top 4 PS/8PS combos. here is what I got for now:

8/2.2= CT, LA, VA out over 15 draws. (TX is like 12 I think currently)

9/1.2= IN, NE, PR out over 20 draws!

9/2.1= AR, CO, IA, NE out over 14 draws

10/1.1= MO, PA out over 21 draws!

for fun I combined PS 6,11,12 and this the result: CA LA TN are the only states with no hits in 20 draws.

I have an idea on how to find the threshold for the PS/8PS combo, hopefully giving more insight as to when they should hit...hopefully within that 3 draw time frame. I will work on that this weekend.

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