No. It is not the final step. Lottodds is a work in progress and will be developed for years to come. I anticipate many more features will be added.
If you are comfortable with one feature then stick with that feature.
HOWEVER, Lottodds is for intelligent lottery players who number in the millions. Each year, which number varies, it is estimated that half of the population plays a lottery game.
"A June 2017 survey conducted by Gallup, 49% of U.S. adults reported buying lottery tickets"
Many of these intelligent adults have created their own play strategies over the years that they are attached to and it would NOT be an easy task to change their play strategies. THUS, Lottodds is developing to cater to millions of players who can find a feature on Lottodds that can compliment and be incorporated into their own play strategy.
THEREFORE, Lottodds will continue to be developed
HOWEVER, the MOBILE App will be a very simple version and extremely powerful to get winners back to back with few numbers. It will incorporate the PairDrawCount, KeyPredict, PairPredict features. The Mobile App will be accompanied by a WEB PAGE with IDENTICAL features accessible to all AUTO-PREDICT subscribers.