Normally Pair Sum = GREEN hits about 4x per week in NJ. It is currently on an 8 day dry spell. Pair Sum Green will hit any draw now. I'm playing for NJ Night draw 5/20/24: 112,119,139,115,117,135,001,003,011,006,008,026,224,226,269,469,478,479,489,499,569,578,588,589,137
-Removed "Miss-Miss," all pair draw count "RED" numbers,
NJ Green Pair-Sum Extremely Over-due
erikm 001 011 026 046 047 048 049 117 135 137 224 226 269 289 299 378 388 389 469 478 479 489 499 569 578 588 589 678
These are my jersey picks
Gray came out. Green is still very over due.
Green just hit. NJ - 479 Midday
erikm congratulations
- Edited
That's how you do it. RIDE the pairsum.
When someone goes fishing and they use certain BAIT to catch fish, Do they usually cast their line and IMMEDIATELY pull it back expecting a FISH to be on the other end?.....NO. A fisherman keeps his line in the water until the FISH come back around and bite the line.
Lottodds is the same idea.....Your BAIT is the PAIRSUM. Throw it into the lotto waters and wait till your FISH/NUMBER comes back around. IF you have the correct BAIT/PAIRSUM, you will catch that FISH.
Patience, consistency and persistence catches many fish