I told you previously that my goal was to take you down to 1-2 numbers without removing the winner and we have SUCCEEDED!
The mobile webpage will utilize only 4 filters to take you down to 1-2 numbers the MAJORITY of the time without removing the winner. It can also take you down to 1 number.
(1) Will the winner be a SINGLE, DOUBLE or TRIPLE?
(2) Will the winner be a HIT or MISS?
(3) Which PAIRSUM COLOR will the winner be PINK, BROWN, GREEN, GRAY, YELLOW
(4) Which PAIR COLOR will the winner have
IF the pattern you selected is correct, the winner will be one of those numbers. And since you are working with under 5 numbers, you can choose multiple patterns or RIDE the pattern until it hits.
You only need these 4 filters to take the numbers down to 1-2 numbers. The mobile app will work like this.