UPDATE 1....830AM 10/29 ...
Batch A#80 10/30-11/5
0407 1518 2629 3730 4841 5952 6063 7174 8285 9396 0844 1955 2066 3177 4288 5399 6400 7511 8622 9733 0390 1401 2512 3623 4734 5845 6956 7067 8178 9289 0394 1405 2516 3627 4738 5849 6950 7061 8172 9283 0816 1927 2038 3149 4250 5061 6172 7283 8394 9405 0845 1956 2067 3178 4289 5390
6401 7512 8623 9734 0843 1954 2065 3176 4287 5398 6409 7510 8621 9732 0849 1950 2061 3172 4283 5394 6405 7516 8627 9738
Batch B#90 will add 10 more later 10/30..5am
0719 1820 2931 3042 4153 5264 6375 7486 8597 9608 0717 1828 2939 3040 4151 5262 6373 7484 8595 9606 0264 1375 2486 3597 4608 5719 6820 7931 8042 9153 0518 1629 2730 3841 4952 5063 6174 7285 8396 9407 0713 1824 2935 3046 4157 5268 6379 7480 8591 9602 0714 1825 2936 3047 4158 5269 6370 7481 8592 9603 0968 1079 2180 3291 4302 5415 6526 7637 8748 9859 0715 1826 2937 3048 4159 5260 6371 7482 8593 9604
Note Northeast region of US there's 30 doubles in batch A / 15 dblz batch B..
usually rainy weather for some reason brings forth high % of doubles
Good Luck God Bless LOM