@richard gebhard#87811
I think another good strategy is to write down the PAIRSUM patterns that hit the most. You'll find that they have few numbers. And they absorb multiple loses and still profit.
This chart shows PURPLE with specific binary codes that hit repeatedly with only 8 numbers
Do the Math. 8numbers x 7wins = $262.50 (Depending where you play). COST= 8numbers x $0.25 x 2DrawsDay x 30Days = $120Cost - $262.50Prize = $142Profit..... NOW increase the bet and see how big the prize gets. IF you do it with doubles, prizes are larger.

NOTE: Each month fluctuates depending on the machines and algorithms the lotto agency uses. BUT you can play when the pattern is OVERDUE. Plus, with such few numbers, you can play multiple patterns. And you can REDUCE the numbers further since Pairsums: Green,Pink,Brown win the most.
We'll be releasing this new Binary color page next week.