Can you do workout for Ohio?
Hot Play Alert! - TX 8/3,1 - 02-22-25
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YES but a workout on all 15 pairsums takes too long MANUALLY. Can you tell me which PAIRSUMS you want a workout on?
What Im seeing right now is INSANE! .......IF all goes well with TESTING, we'll code it into the PREDICTION page.
The result Im seeing is 100% hit probability with extremely low number counts for each pairsum. It is also showing multiple PAIRSUMS that have ZERO probability of hitting next draw
I will post the result shortly.
8/3,1 hasnt hit in 50 draws. i would stick with the usual winners 8/1,3 2,2. Plus 9/2,1 1,2. There have been 28 times the normal ones hit since 3,1 hit haha, 28 TIMES !!! Man ya gotta love those PS
Geez and I didnot play
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I won 150$. Thanks
when you will release this one? I’m so excited to see more wins. Greatly appreciated your times to input the great features
bmehmet Damn David, you are the PS whisperer. You got lucky on that one. haha
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@richard gebhard#89433
It's NOT luck. It's Lottodds
Florida 10 1/1 was way overdue and it came out today, I didnt play though. Using your auto predict how many #'s could you get it down to without deleting the winner?