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TESTING Prediction+Hit/Win Filter - 02-23-25
This is HUGE folks! ... IF testing goes well, we will COMBINE it with the PREDICTION page
We are currently working on the 16 PREDICTION filters. We should be completed this week. Then testing. IF all goes well, the PREDICTION page should be released next week.
When COMBINING the Hit/Miss filter with the Prediction page, it is producing the following incredible results for EACH pairsum:
(1) 100% hit probability
(2) 100% ZERO probability
(3) Extremely low number count
FOR EXAMPLE, see the following snapshots of all 15 PAIRSUMS for TX 02-24-25 Morn draw. Notice the PREDICTION page number count THEN the reduced number count when HIT/MISS filter is added using the PREDICTION'S 100% hit probability. Also, NOTICE how L1 produces a green MISS on all the pairsums. This is due to it's past 3 winners. THUS, the number count may go up IF L1 is a HIT pattern. NEVERTHELESS, you can wait for an L1 MISS to setup.
I will test other States today.
This is why we test...There is a GLITCH. The program is combining L1 WIN numbers with L1 MISS numbers. That's why it keeps showing "NONE". Easy fix.
Nevertheless, the HIT/MISS numbers are CORRECT when using L1 MISS to reduce them.