IF NY doesn't repeat the removed patterns THEN one of the following 2 numbers will be the winner:


bmehmet awesome good stuff, thank you for that. 247 is the number, that's it right there. I'll be playing that heavy.
I am still trying to learn via YouTube on HIT +WIN etc , L 2 default etc.
Once I can get that am good to go.
Thank you for all that you do @bmehmet

PURPLE hit NOT GREEN.....Makes sense....The pattern with Green showed only 2 numbers 247,467. BUT The pattern with PURPLE showed over 50 numbers. Obvious high probability it would hit PURPLE next draw. THUS, count BOTH Purple and Green KeyPredict numbers to establish probability.



247,268,289,356,358,368,378,389,467,469,489,578,589,678,679,689,789 (17)

Binary 3 removed

268,289,356,378,469,489,589,679,689 (9)


469,679,268,378,356 (5)

469,679,268,378, 356 (5)


IF Binary3 is NOT removed then 11 numbers
358,469,247,679,268,368,467,378,578,678,356 (11)

  • chud replied to this.

    bmehmet that's the sum 13 I was trying to filter out. Didnot want to play all, but I still end up picking the wrong it.

    bmehmet if you select doubles how is that looking. Am hoping New York throw a double midday tomorrow


    Just plug those patterns in and select DOUBLE


    I think you are going to hit it big. IF you want to hit it big, focus on a State like TX or another that has PS8/9 dominating. Concentrate on that State so you catch it's draw rhythm. You will be able to catch multiple winners then use your profits to go big on a few displayed numbers. It will show you 1-4 numbers often.


    Focus on PS8/9 and ONE STATE. Don't jump to multiple States. It will confuse your mind and you will not realize it. You will not catch the rhythm of the draws. You don't need to play multiple States. Here is your biggest win. ALL you need is to CATCH one 1-4 number PS. For example, 8/3,1 - 8/1,3 - 9/3,3 are the ones that can make you a HUGE win with very few numbers.

    Do this.....use the following page as an EXAMPLE and create a setup like that. Then just keep updating the numbers AFTER EACH DRAW. What will happen is you will starting subconsciously catching the rhythm of the TX draws and you will know when a 8/3,1 - 8/1,3 - 9/3,3 are due to hit. You can then catch the winner with a huge prize.


    TX 9/3,3 is extremely overdue to hit

    bmehmet thank you for that. I will study Texas. Yes I would love to win big, persistence is key. Thank you for all that you do.

    611 613 633 811 813 833 (6)
    166 168 188 366 368 388 (6)

    joez 116 161 611 or 166 616 661 will come
    Heavy on 166 616 661

      I guess i'll add my 2 cents worth,,,,,,,,,,,,


      Next draw singles, series


      Im going to make a video tonight and show you something incredible that will make you insane prizes with very few numbers,. We are talking about 3-4 numbers IF you focus on PS8/9 with TX