• Pick4
  • Pick 4 All States Let's Get Paid Today!


These are the numbers that Florida used to get 2179 Straight..We are on to something Big Time! $$$$

0159, 0179, 0195, 0197, 2159, 2179, 2195, 2197
0199, 2199

paidtoday Interesting. Where did those numbers come from? Didn't see them in the past couple months of results.

    NC Midday 11/10...Play Online Straight To Win $2,250...Only 12 Numbers To Play!

    2168, 2368, 4168, 4368, 6108, 6128
    6308, 6328 2188, 2388, 4188, 4388

    OR 1pm Midday 11/10...Play Online Straight To Win $2,250...Only 16 Numbers To Play!

    1763, 1783, 1963, 1983, 3761, 3781, 3961, 3981
    1761, 1781, 1961, 1981, 3763, 3783, 3963, 3983

    paidtoday Don't start any lotto club without permission. I have to protect the members. No one starts a lotto club UNLESS I review their methods to ensure that members will not lose their money. And if the method is weak, the members need to be aware of that fact BEFORE they send anyone funds.....BUYER BEWARE

    NC Midday 11/11...Play Online Straight To Win $2,250...Only 11 Numbers To Play!

    2815, 2817, 2845, 2847 2275,
    2285, 2287, 2295, 2297, 2825, 2827

    CA Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$

    1276 8425 2541 1524

      CO Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$

      5928 8751 6472 4271

        CT Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$

        2845 8215 9625 1957

        FL Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$

        2815 7152 7291 2951

          GA Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$

          2785 6521 2185 1527

            ID Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$

            5182 4251 2467 5978

              IL Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$

              2987 1526 4215 2591