paidtoday ur awesome
jordany28 Thanks more Wins are Coming soon!..I am here to help Everyone Win and Get Paid!.$$$$
paidtoday Congrats on your win!
superman0069 Thanks for the Congrats.,My Win is your Win as well. We are a Lottodds family...Lets All Get Holiday Paid!..$2,250 And by the way as you can see I Only played 14 Numbers..I have nothing to hide and I post on time before the draw!
paidtoday thanks for helping
paidtoday striaght
nice congrats
marcusjohnson Thanks, This is just the Beginning..More wins are Coming soon!..And we will only play a few Numbers.."Paid Today"
Can you do a video to show us how you do it and how you get the numbers so low?
TX Morning 11/9...Play Straight To Win $2,250
6014, 6214, 8034, 8234 8414
paidtoday Texas morning 5438
I see that and I'm going to show you the few numbers that Florida used during the drawing hold on one moment...
TN Morning 11/9...Play Straight To Win $2,250
0136, 0318, 2136, 2318, 4316, 4318 0116, 0336, 0338, 2116, 2336, 2338, 4116
paidtoday and this one 2006 came out
Illinois..pick 3 n 4
jordany28 to late for off to buy it
It feels great to play and Win Online, I have 30 other states to choose from...Good Luck!
jordany28 by one digit... didn't win but won't give up
IL Midday 11/9...Play Online Straight To Win $2,250
6184, 6380, 6382, 6384, 8164, 8360, 8362, 8364 8184, 8380, 8382
Wishing you luck.
jordany28 Thanks, Our Lottery Club Group Coming soon will be awesome!."Teamwork & Getting Rich!'..."Paid Today! $$$$
NY Midday 11/9...Play Online Straight To Win $2,250
9056, 9076, 9256, 9276, 9456, 9476 9096, 9296, 9498