• Admin


There are issues on that page which I will identify in the video I will upload tonight. We just wanted to release this fast for your use as we will be on vacation next week.

A NEW updated version will be released the week of March 10th

all looking really cool. I noticed one thing that could be an error...maybe. NY was a 9 1.2 key predict green and it was 349. without adjusting anything....these were the green key predict numbers pre draw. just wondering why 349 not in there? thanks 023,034,238,248,258,259,268,347,348,357,367,368,446,448,456,457,458,459 (18)
same for cali....115 was not in the green key predict pre draw. i must be missing something as to why it wasn't there. ill study it some more. 😅


Im not clear on which column you are looking at. Are you looking that the Key/Predict column?

Keep in mind, the KeyPredict colunm colors relate only to the KeyPredict feature as it creates it's own GREEN/PURPLE color patterns NOT related to the GREEN/PURPLE colors of the HIT/MISS column.

Also, make sure the program updated the winner before the draw.

KeyPredict column is showing that 349 was in the GREEN before the draw. Not sure what occurred when you copied the numbers.



    I think I know what you did. I think you hit the wrong COPY button. BECAUSE the numbers you posted were only located in the HIT+HIT section. So looks like you clicked that small COPY button on the first chart.

    349 was located in the MISS+HIT section which you did not copy.

    AND you would of had more numbers than 18

      I was using the mobile app page...and under the new auto predict the 349 wasn't there in the key predict area. this was pre draw...so considering it was PS 9 1.2 key predict green it should have showed up in the auto predict area of the new section under auto predict. hope that makes sense. same for the cali one. so i went to the mobile app page and just went to the new auto predict section and then on a separate page i updated and got the result...went back to the other page i didn't update and that 349 wasn't there in the key predict and neither was the 115 for cali. sorry, not trying to be confusing....ill test it more and if i see anything ill make a 2 min video for you. thanks

      here is a quick 2 min vid that is unlisted....just for you to see. thanks for the help.

        lotogoblin no 349 wasnot at the bottom under key predict green column. It was located under M3C column.
        Under M3C column 358 349 357 346 348 367 368 was listed
        Under key predict 346 348 357 367 368 was listed


        I think I understand you. The auto-generated pattern could have been WRONG. Remember, the program AUTO-PREDICTS those numbers based on a DEFAULT setting. Meaning, it simply uses the sections that have the most numbers.

        You simply need to review the auto-generated patterns and decide if you agree with it. IF NOT then you simply need to choose ONE pattern out of the 16 filters that you think will win next and the program will AUTO-GENERATE a new HIT/MISS pattern and AUTO-PREDICT the numbers.

        KEEP in mind, the HIT/MISS numbers are missing. We'll correct that later. BUT you can still get winners.

        I'll make another PRACTICE video today


        That's right...You are NOT restricted to just grabbing the numbers in the KeyPredict section. You can grab numbers from any section. ESPECIALLY, when you see a section that has 100% noted. I'll explain that in the next video.

          Kind of like when you go to the predictions page and Isolate a key and then bring that batch of numbers to the mobile app and enter in those numbers with the isolated key...it will give you different key predict numbers for green and purple based on that isolated key instead of the standard 220. pretty cool.

          lotogoblin I was playing Texas also goblin ..I think the auto predict didn't have the winner because the percentage was not 100% only thing I can think I could be wrong

            bmehmet this thing like a fort Knox bank got to put the right combination in to get the numbers out ha.. kinda makes it fun

            5 days later

            We start coding again this Monday 3/10. We will correct the issue in Auto-Predict page and UPGRADE it. Plus, we will upgrade the HIT/MISS column, add the HIT/MISS colored filters and upgrade the calendar. After that, we will add the lotto pools.

            Ok everyone. We will start coding again tomorrow morning. We will be correcting the following on the AUTO-PREDICT page and release the fixes.

            We will then UPGRADE the AUTO-PREDICT page as follows:

            bmehmet This all going to take some week's or is it going to be a quick turnaround?

            The fixes will be completed in 1 day and the rest by the end of the week.