We each have a highly tuned mental skill due to the environment that we were raised in. Many of us don't know what that skill is UNTILL we are tested. I am looking for a person who has the ability/skill to SUCCESSFULLY choose Pick3 Lottery States with the following requirements.
Show me FOUR(4) States for a MIDDAY and FOUR States (8 States) for a Evening drawing that will NOT produce a winner with:
(A) double/triple numbers and
(B ) that will contain EITHER 0,1,2 or 3 (Majority of wins contain these numbers).
(C) explain why you selected those States
You must post your States BEFORE the drawing.
The idea is NOT to just pick random States and hope 4 hit the mark. I need you to be able to choose 4 States ONLY that meet the above requirements. This will let me know that you have the ability to pick those States. If all the States you selected DON'T meet the requirements, it does NOT tell me you have the ability to choose 4 States that meet the requirement. It merely tells me you are selecting multiple States with the hope that 4 States out of the multiple States you selected will meet the reauirement. In other words, it is nothing more then a pure guess and NOT skill.
The first person who does it correctly and posts their predictions here wins $100 Cash! The winner will be announced on Monday 11/13/17.
$1,800 and $9,000 PRIZE SPLIT
In addition, that person will be given the opportunity to share the PROFITS from a $1,800 prize. If successful, That person will then be given the opportunity to share a $9,000 prize. In other words, if you have the talent to meet the ABOVE challenge on a consistent basis, I will put up the money and show you how to pull in the big cash. I am looking for someone who can do this task better then I can.