I have not been posting, because this is not my site, and because I want to play in the pool. This week I have won over $2,000.
tib5743 if you would post strategies and useful information instead of always posting you winnings. Either it's to show off or because you have a group and want others to join. No offense, am just saying.
tib5743 I just saw Rodney talking about you winning off his platform using his site, he's on live right now.
No I am not showing off , I do have a group and they will their money today. And if you have notive everyone who have winning info get paid, All I was saying that the mohey is there go get it.
tib5743 understandable, but Rodney site gaves a bunch of numbers. If anyone wanted they can learn his method for themselves. How to use the super hot box red, green black etc. You get your numbers from his site, all it takes its patience and practice. Here at LO the numbers are less, especially using the auto predict.
You are right ,over the yrs I have won up to $10,000 before David or Rodney, I was down to about 60 numbers was winning pick 3. That is why I am trying to undersand David system to get less numbers, for my pick 4 and pick 5
If you really look at it , pick 3, 4, or 5 there are only 10 numbers, you une 9 and see what is missing Tic-Tac-Toe. Then you learn the filter, auto predict is the last 3 numbers drawn.
tib5743 I've tried several strategies from months on end and I'm still at square one... this game is tough....
I tried Rodneys site for years.I love the guy but he is behind when it comes to web design. Lottodds updated their site two or three times and Rodney still wont. When his servers went down, he tripled the cost to his customers, and thats when i bailed. He actually added more colors to his results and now its even more confusing. I wish him the best though. We used to speak at length and we still wish each other birthday wishes on facebook haha. Great guy.