They tend to repeat and yes 7511 came in midday but i m doing the sum just don’t play 7511. SUM IS 14
I have to start working harder on pick 4 getting no sleep just to get a hit.
12/03 MIDDAY 6001 8001 6034 0326 4380 3280 6685 8865 6798 8798 lets see if this #s hit
maple As a back up add a 1 in the first digit ( keep the remaining) for 1 set and add a Three in the first digit ) I say this cause in my batch ur numbers are close
6001 8001 6034 0326 4380 3280 6685 8865 6798 8798 8848 8868 6686
wisegirl Haven’t see you for a while.
Anything for today
jordany28 today is the third day I played the same #’s hope I get a box hit by end of the day Tomorrow will be the last day to play the same # ’ and play new ones. This are numbers I'm playing 1568 1968 1692 8461 0391 8992 8592 7135 7117 5137 5115 1401 1421 1441 9668.
I have my mom sick....and haven't been able to play any numbers.... I need to hit big to pay medical bills...
Keep my fingers crossed you do, Hope she feels better
wisegirl We all need that cash. Hope your mom gets better.
12/03 Pick 4 Every set is done differently 1st set 5204 8204 8104 5989 1983
2nd set 1369 1389 1600 1660 1680 1963 5369 5668 8320
3th set 1268
maple 6100 ny
haniffespada EOEE HLLL NY
haniffespada at least that number came somewhere.
This #'s should get a hit for sure IL Pick 4 0171 2052 2061 2151 2191 2557 2575 2755 4072 4171 4492 4555 5072 5149 5791 7016 7052 7492 7591 7791 7852
now were cooking with gas.
You can really reduce the those numbers, 21 out of 10,000 impressive, most I have reduced is 10,000 to 250
maple hope mom feels better
Missed it by one # to a straight hit. 2451 came out and I had 2151.
I had 2351