I am new here at Lottodds.Nice site with lots of great tools.Also new to 5 dimes (started to play online)
Very good information here, however most of it is rocket science for me (problem is that I am NOT a smart person and generally speaking I am a slow learner)
Any good strategy for BOX winnings ?
Believe me : I'd be VERY HAPPY with small winnings ! (like most lottery players I do not win often so it would be a big deal for me to win small prizes)
So I figure the best way to get started is trying to win boxed prizes.However with play 3 the winnings are too small
Did any of you guys try this method for boxed Play 4 : Playing ALL 210 boxed single number combinations (all different digits).At 5 dimes it'll cost $52.50 (at 25 cents) .A win will get you $93.50 .You'll end up with a profit of $41. I checked past winning numbers of several states and more often than not the winning numbers are different digits.
Also : How do I generate all these 210 combinations with the prediction tools program here at Lottodds ? (to put a few filters so maybe I reduce the list a bit)
Please let me know.Also let me know if you have any other methods to win boxed prizes
Thank You,