maple anything for today..
I will start on doubles and play box. Box are easy win when they’ll show up is another thing
I have this for box play Singles and Doubles 0169 0196 0493 2069 2093 2096 2165 2176 2785 2875 3461 3649 3689 5461 5641 9076 9106 9160 9403 9483 9485 9706 9863 9870 0079 0105 0106 0141 0160 2066 2606 2886 3676 3775 4099 4479 4660 4749 5009 5090 5443 5449 5660 5669 5773 9049 9070
3953 came out box hit from yesterday's post
3953 fb 6
I have been tweaking the numbers and this is what I have hope it hits even if it’s box this are doubles. 1677 1701 1737 1767 1791 3235 6393 6797 6933 7033 7047 7057 7074 7137 7167 7407 7617 7704 7705 7993 8442 8481 8722 2176 2875 5641 4479 4749 5443 5449 5773
03/31/18 evening box 3026 3027 3029 3056 3057 3059 3526 3527 3529 3706 3709 3726 3729 3756 3759 6027 6029 6057 6059 6527 6529 6709 6729 6759 9027 9057 9527
04/06/18 evening 8234 8324 8351 8531
I had 128 combo and 971
wisegirl y u didn’t posted it
I hardly post birthdays... But I play them and play my plates.. 102 113 118 127 128 212 301 302 321 403 428 518 521 612 628 723 728 815 824 911 917 Plates and house number 2502 2849 1982 4681
wisegirl good luck
wisegirl i won with 521
4.8.18 evening 0089 0098 0809 0890 0908 0980 8009 8090 8900 9008 9080 9800
2103,2123,2130,2132,2133,2301,2310,2312 2313,2321,2331,2303,2330,2112,2121,2124 2142,2211,2213,2214,2231,2241 2223,2232,2322
wisegirl 2688 cameout
Let's keep the same numbers... what do you think sideburner..
4/15/18 evening 4851 4853 4831 4153 6851 6853 6831 6153 5821 5823 5891 5893 5871 5873 5831 5123 5193 5173 3821 3891 3871 Double 4855 4858 4838 4833 4881 4811 4151 4155 4131 4133 4553 4533 6855 6858 6838 6833 6881 6811
This are for the upcoming numbers may hit as box 0026 0037 0047 0049 0116 0136 0137 0139 0146 0157 0166 0226 0236 0247 0256 0337 0378 0459 0477 0479 0489 0567 0578 0579 1179 1223 1234 1235 1237 1269 1359 1379 1389 1469 1479 1569 1679 2367 2556 2567 2568 3467 3567 3677
4/16/18 evening 1431 3097 3691 3907 4195 4285 4582 4591 5185 5482 6085 6391 6805 6814 6995 7507 7705 8641 9361 9631