I tend to agree with your rationale in some ways.
And my reason(s) for saying this is as follows:
1). Will there be a minimum amount of numbers vs a maximum of numbers in a pool?
2). How long should the numbers predicted be played? One day? a week? 10 days?
3). How often will a predictor issue new numbers ex. once per day/week/month?
4). Will a predictor remain on the list even if their winning predictions averages say 50% or
5). Are predictions State specific or applicable to all States?
6). Last, but certainly not least....should the predictor(s) reveal if they are using any other
outside resources/tools, apart from Lottodds, in helping them to choose the winning
PS: I guess, David & his team of brilliant programmers will have to put in place a few ground rules as it pertains to the 'WHO', 'HOW' & 'WHAT' would qualify one as a predictor before he launches that feature. "Collecting fees from other members to give out daily predictions" is fine & dandy IF you are hitting. IF, you aren't, (because of poor ratings), then, that's a whole different matter!