bmehmet with alt sums you list the number from highest to lowest (ex. 549). 954 and how you get the alt sum of it you subtract first two numbers and then add the last digit to that result. 9-5=4+4= 8 would be alt sum.
Using same example number above line width is the difference between the highest and lowest digit. 9-4= 5 is the line width.
In/out and curve/line is just like the even/odd and high/low patterns but
curve digits = 0,3,6,8,9
line digits = 1,2,4,5,7
In digits = 3,4,5,6,7
Out digits = 0,1,2,8,9
Root sum is all digits added together kinda like normal sums but if the sum is 10 and above you add that number together until only one digit. Ex sum of 549 is 18. 1+8 would be root sum.