Today we are adding an Odd/Even and High/Low Pairs filter to Pick3/4
bmehmet what would be the proper way to use this feature? Thank you sir
Completed. Launching shortly.
Wow... amazing thanks for your time David u are amazing!..
This feature has been launched on the site...Clear your cache
bmehmet Awesome Sensei, I'm reay two win a Macbook in the contest can you do one next month? Im so hot david I want a rematch lol I won tonight Illnios doing my workout and made $22,500 and multiple win pick 3 and 4 boxed total of eight pick 4
You are the best! Please make a video for everyone
deeluv69 Congrats!!!
What would it take for you to start sharing your daily plays with everyone? everyone knows this is gambling and you take your losses with your wins
I want you to look at this new DESIGN. Tell me if you can work with it or it will throw you off?
bmehmet Great staff love it
bmehmet please
bmehmet @deeluv69
lol @deeluv69 are you going to answer David's question, what would it take for you to share your predictions for the states you play all the time before you play? David is willing to pay you