wisegirl ....NY is on FIRE!!!! NY MIDDAY IS A MUST PLAY!!!
[3/23/17, 8:43:34 PM]
03/23/2017 Evening 2-4-9-4
03/23/2017 Midday 0-8-7-2
03/22/2017 Evening 4-2-1-2
03/22/2017 Midday 0-2-1-4
03/21/2017 Evening 5-1-7-4
03/21/2017 Midday 8-4-7-5
03/20/2017 Evening 3-3-7-6
03/20/2017 Midday 1-5-3-9
8 ODDs in a row
5 Evens in a row in the 4th row. It is high chance that the next winner will flip to the EVEN in the 3rd row and ODD in the 4th row and NO EE in the 1st & 2nd row.
THUS, you can use the numbers below thanks to delontap to remove all those patterns.To be safe, I would remove the ODDs in the 3rd row and remove all patterns with EE in the 1st and 2nd columns. You may also want to remove the 2494 in those columns. But be careful, number removals can eliminate the winner more then odd/even removals.
Once we finish the ALL COMBOS PAGE, you will be able to do this in the prediction page with the patterns feature.