• Pick4
  • Money Machine Pick 4 All States Get Rich!

What about NJ. None on pick 4? Thanks

    would this number work for night time drawing also ?

      a month later

      we sure did!! I’m on the Winning Team!!

        How many days do you play the same #s? I don't see the prediction for Ohio

          Great job on all of your wins. Do you a video on how you are playing does number? How are you reducing those numbers? Any Virginia Pick 4 Predictions. Need help....I am new to this. Thanks

            6 days later

            Still learning the lottodds system and patterns, love the pick 4 game. Hoping to hit a straight real soon on dimes

              5 days later
              16 days later

              You can certainly pick those numbers. Can you show us how you do it? Do you have any numbers I can play in the store? Small list of numbers. Thanks
              Mr. Boise Williams

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