ran into another snag with pick 4 NY last night drawing winner 7739 When you combine previous draw 1084 5801 5602 1039 First two digits match Right? Matter fact first 3 digits match. I cannot find the winner 7739 in the primary numbers . Whats the story. If i happened to do the workout which would have been for nothing or even the 1234 i would have got destroyed
oinkduretsie You need to have 3 digits matching from previous draws. Your previous draws 1084,5801,5602,1039 do not have 3 digits matching the winner, you have only 2 digits matching 3 and 9 (7739) hope this helps
now you have me confused You say you need 3 digits matching the winner but you dont know what the winner is so how can you match the digits . I thought the matching was based on matching the digits of the 4 previous winners which produces the winner in that day or night drawing
oinkduretsie You right you do not know the winner That’s were keeping history of the digits is very handy 7 was overdue The more different digits in pass winning combination the better You may want to try Copy all the 4 combinations from Combine winners window after you hit apply to Past winners: windowthen hit apply
i was always under the assumption that 4 numbers have to match from last 4 previous winners which would then more than likely predict the next day or eve winner
last night NJ pick 4 winner 9689 4 previous draws 8053 0607 6239 2618 8 3 & 0 match the 8053 can i apply the tool that way?