• Cash5

There is something strange with this jackpot. I don't know but for me thinking outside of the box, there's only 3 reasons I see this happening...Good News first....is that a Quick Pick seems like it can't win a jackpot. And this my reason for not playing Quick Picks. But 15 tickets matched Five winning numbers spread it out in different states. One of those tickets should have won the jackpot. Before that 9 tickets matched Five Numbers, before that 1 ticket matched Five Numbers, before that 4 tickets matched Five Numbers. It kind of tells me that they are relying on luck for that Mega Ball, or either letting the computer choose it for them, or they are just guessing a Mega ball.This next drawing, I don't think there will be 15 tickets matching five Winning Numbers.If it is Higher than 15 tickets the Jackpot may be Won. Now on the FLIP SIDE they can be trying to Crash the Economy, or the dollar. It's just strange to me why no one has won this yet, but what would make this even crazy, is if Power Ball reach the same High, in the Billions!! I don't think this is just happening, I think it would have been happen. But just because it happened now, it will happen again, but the time has come. Who ever wins this Jackpot can control half of America, and will be the first time Billionaire if they won it alone. This is Unheard of for me. I thought about it reaching a Billion, but always thought someone will always win it before it reached that point. I think there is a reason for this reaching a Billion, it might just reach $2 Billion, who knows, but it's something fishy about it. And whoever wins this going to be somebody that choose the numbers and not a Quick Pick. When I win and they ask me, how did I pick the numbers...I would tell them that I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!! And I will tell them that I DON'T USE QUICK PICKS. I will also go public with it when I win. What do you all think about this Jackpot?

Truely an amazing figure! If only i could play alongside you. Sont think I can get tickets for it in the UK.

Good luck mate, hope you get your wish ๐Ÿ™‚

charlesmason Why haven't the lotto clubs not been playing numbers together ? This would be the best time for the clubs to be trying to get that money !!!! I have really been keeping my subscription to one day use the filters for the Powerball, MegaMillions and the Cash 5. When is David going to have the filters for those games ? Has anybody heard anything ? The videos that David made looked promising that you could hit using the algorithms . I guess he is testing it out right now and will let us know how effective it is if if wins .

$cashout$ That would be Great if David is doing that. But I'm pretty sure he playing. this is a good time but the best times would be when it reaches $100 Million, Lottodds would have won before then.

    Yes .I'm just saying , I really have been waiting for David to put the filters to those games out. I'm pretty sure everyone else is as anxious as I'am about that.

    $cashout$ I think Nj is the only state that has the Cash 5 filters on lottodds. I know that state has it. You can check it out if you haven't already. I think that's what I will do later on.

    @david 530#22580 Yes. It is easier to win. Especially with all of the filters you can use to break the numbers down. I need to team up with somebody so we can Bust 5dimes up ?

    charlesmason charlesmason
    Here's what I am thinking about this jackpot (apart from day-dreaming with what I would do with that much loo
    t) lol.
    The only thing I am thinking here charlesmason and $cashout$ is that the folks who are behind the MM lottery operations are "lottery envy" and they are trying to upstage the PB lottery folks title to be the ones who can say that they are the only ones who has ever had a jackpot over $1.6 billion dollars.
    Remember Jan 2016 when the PB lottery hit $1.6 billions?
    Well, trust me, by the time the total sales for Tuesday night's draw are turned in by all the participating regions the figures should be a record amount and if it passes their target they will THEN have "bragging" rights.
    I'm sure there will be winners for that jackpot if they SURPASSES their targeted sales amount.
    My only regret is that I cannot participate cause I am based in Canada and I don't think we can cross the border and buy tickets then return to Canada with them. I know a couple of online sources where I can buy my tickets but I am a little uneasy sending money to them. At least not for a $1.6 billion jackpot
    I have some cousins who lives in NY though and I sent one of them 5 lines of randomly chosen numbers and my bonus number was 12 which was used on all 5 lines.
    Well....I'm gone back to day-dreaming folks and whomever wins whether its one, two, five, 15,,,,,persons I hope they manage it well and don't end up like so many unfortunate folks who are suddenly over whelmed with an abundance of wealth and didn't know how to manage it or watch out for all the sharks, long lost cousins, aunties, uncles, best friends and on and on and on........
    Peace out!


    mobile merchant You can buy in the States & return to Canada.

    I bought lottery tixs in Canada & brought to U.S. Even told Border Patrol on both sides.

    Yea you are right. You CAN buy Canadian lottery tickets from here and take THEM back into the USA but you CANNOT buy American lottery tickets and return to Canada with them THEN go back into the USA with same.

    Apparently, there's a law on the US books about those regulations and my reasons for saying that its because when that PB was $!.6 billion in Jan 2016 I saw a news reporting here talking about people crossing the borders to purchase tickets and in it the news reporter stated that the customs officer can seize the tickets citing that law.

    I think the only way to get around it was if you should have a winning ticket it best to stay there and state your claims ON the ticket THEN after you are awarded the cheque you are then free to do as you please.

    May be the rules have been changed since, but since I last checked that's what they were on the books.
    I don't think the Canadian government is as restrictive and all they require is if you have 10 grand or more on your person when you are entering the country it has to be declared. If it isn't, then it will be seized if found after being searched. I do know THAT much cause I know of someone who has had that experience. Not a nice feeling.

      Hey bro it just occurred to me. Have you ever heard of a guy in Ohio who sells the Pick 5 lottery combo over the internet in PDF format? He also has Pick 3 and Pick 4 which he retails for US$10 a piece. Very useful tool.

      I bought myself the PIck 3 combos. He also has a YT Channel where he does scratch off and contests.
      Just put Pick 3 - Every Possible Combination in the YT search engine and his info should pop up.

      All you need is a paypal account to forward the payment to him and your email address cause he sends them back to you in PDF format. Very cool guy, not a scammer and everything is above board.

      Peace out!

      @mobile merchant#22618 Thats's cool but you can do all of that from Lottodds. With Lottodds we can make our own Winning Strategies. You just have to have something in mind to build strategies from. I like the Sums and Skips.

      @mobile merchant#22618 I saw somebody on YT with something like that. But you still have to know something to go with it or to build a strategy around it. Lottodds has everything and much more.

      @mobile merchant#22618

      But are they winners?

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