still cant get in my account
bmehmet hey david my payment been made but still no access to my account?
could you please let me know why my account isn't active yet?
Are you good now? What's the first part of the email you used to register with?
no. youngkendall78
done Status: Active 12/14/2018 Type: Manual
hey david just paid my subscription in my account the transaction number is OEB40299A18087615 can.t get in my account thanks
please activate my account
the transaction number is OEB40299A1808761S the first one was wrong thanks I made a payment waiting for my account to be activate thanks
That is the incorrect payment id#.
this is the payment Transaction ID: 0EB40299A1808761S thanks
the first part of my e mail is youngkendall78 please activate still no service
Your account is active
Status: Active 09/10/2019 Type: Manual
still can't use lotto odds
Which account are you referring to? The one associated with you is active. Did you register multiple accounts?
no I don't have any other accounts but this one and I can't use anything
cancel my account i don't want it
Goto your Paypal account and cancel the recurring payments which will cancel your subscription. We don't have access to your account. Thank you for trying lottodds. It was good having you part of our lottodds family.
Cancellation instructions are here:
it not showing up my paypal bill yet i went join this morning i just don't want get charge
we dont have the ability to charge your paypal account. Paypal sends us the funds each month for members. That is why you go into your Paypal account and cancel the monthly recurring payments you previously authorized to lottodds.