hey david just paid my subscription can't get in my account transaction number is4Y5341935V762913R

    bmehmet hey david my payment been made but still no access to my account?

      could you please let me know why my account isn't active yet?


        Are you good now? What's the first part of the email you used to register with?

          7 months later

          hey david just paid my subscription in my account the transaction number is OEB40299A18087615 can.t get in my account thanks

            the transaction number is OEB40299A1808761S the first one was wrong thanks I made a payment waiting for my account to be activate thanks

            this is the payment Transaction ID: 0EB40299A1808761S thanks

              2 months later

              the first part of my e mail is youngkendall78 please activate still no service

                5 days later


                Which account are you referring to? The one associated with you is active. Did you register multiple accounts?

                  no I don't have any other accounts but this one and I can't use anything

                    a year later