An alert filter of some kind that would allow you to click on & allow you to choose a date range say 7 days 10 days etc. & then send you an alert when a certain pattern say repeats 2/3/4 times in that date range you choose. So ex if you choose pattern EEOO you would get an alert if that Exact same pattern of your choose repeated several times in that date range also of your choose, would alert you that's it's hot so if it was showing it repeating every few draws you could play just that pattern while it was hot if you wanted. Also have it allow you to choose the state you wanted or all states, & also to only do it for Mid, Eve Night draws by state & draw P3/P4 of your choice.
A consecutive numbers button that you could choose a state you wanted to watch, a game P3 or P4 or both & Mid/Eve draws etc. then it gives you an alert when a states draw say P3 shows all 3 consecutive digits ex like 231 then you could click on a button to get a list of all consecutive digits possible Boxed & str for betting 012/123/234/345/456/567/678/789/901 as once a consecutive draw occurs, it often repeats again with another consecutive draw soon after, so it would be nice to get an alert if one fell in any P3 or P4 game & draw of your choosing.
A prediction button that would allow you to click on any state & or P3 or P4 game you're interested in & that would based on past history results give you best possible prediction of the pattern that might follow. Ex pattern EOEO just feel in your P4 game & based on history what pattern if any usually follows or may follow that pattern & same thing the ability to do it for HLHL patterns & or Sums if you wanted. I think this would be one of the most used tools by members as guessing the biggest problem most have, is trying to decide what filters to turn off or leave on to narrow down the amnt of numbers you have to play.
Enjoy Watching The Program Develop Change & Improve, Keep Up The Great Work David!