The following Youtube video displays four(4) STRAIGHT Pick4 wins in a single day that I believe is a World RECORD. THUS, I am hiring the consulting team at the Guinness Book of World Records to help me create that RECORD in their books labeled "MOST PICK4 STRAIGHT LOTTERY WINS IN ONE DAY". Once that RECORD is created, I will do the following (1) create a TV commercial promoting Lottodds as the answer for creating the Pick4 RECORD and (2) we will create a LOTTODDS competition where members can try to break the RECORD. If a member breaks the RECORD, they will be placed in the Guiness Book of World Records and they will win a $10,000 prize.
Getting a RECORD for the most STRAIGHT lottery wins in one day is possible. There are RECORDS for largest shaving lesson. Less vibrating washing machine. Most cereal boxes toppled in a domino fashion. Largest financial literacy lesson. HOWEVER, our Lottodds RECORD has more meaning to lottery players Worldwide because the QUESTION on everyones' mind is how was the most straight lottery wins in one day achieved? (Because lottery players want to duplicate it) The answer is LOTTODDS.
NOTE: Because betting site was used to play and win in multiple US States, the correct RECORD label maybe "MOST ONLINE BETTING PICK4 LOTTERY WINS IN ONE DAY"