fred yes Tx is also True
garyj thank you.
terrisiri Good old fashion Research !! I was curious also
terrisiri You can look at it here !
fred you're very welcome, good luck
What about PA
I’m wondering about the plays in PA and Ga are those normal or computer
pegasustrump GA is not computer
PA is a live drawing at night for sure,not sure about GA sorry for late response
demigod Ga should they been calling the wrong on tv
So is the thought here that computer draw programs can be predicted? Therefore the preferred drawings are computerized?
The live drawings are more fair as the ball machine is manual and can't be rigged?
Just checking.
txcomo yes,that’s the implication,all should be live,since money is involved,in short that’s the way it started so keep it that way.
Appreciate the intel but we shouldn't be too focused on CPU or manual draws. All of us here have won using LottOdds & now we're in the verge of winning Mega Millions. We all know Mega uses CPU to draw. The power is in us to win not the lottery.
garyj The house doesn’t change to benefit the players
It's true! I believe I mention that in one of my early videos 2yrs ago the to different system are not the same because the computer is programed to pick numbers that are random by the computer like "Quick Pick" the airball system which is truly random because there is a 16 patterns E/O & 16 H/L and in the computerized system but it's controlled by the creator or programer. I'ts okay to play but don't bet the house on it lmbo 😆
deeluv69 AMEN DEELUV👋🏾
garyj Just like Billy Joel said, don’t go changing to try to please me, I’ll take you just the way you are !!😁