ok been without service for a week now
bmehmet sent a payment last week
i'm sending 2 more payments id is Transaction ID: 22N33535FK5968545 account still not working thanks
they should it said it was sent to you
try these Transaction ID
83633427L6846493N and Transaction ID
1L7577868E7492006 these should be the right ones for payments made
alleyboy1 hey! check these should be the right ones thanks
They are still not showing up on PayPal. Send your name and email to and I'll check it that way.
that's where im sending it but I didn't know it was capital H and L in the e mail that's what happen because on the site the e mail is lowercase i'll try this one that you send me at the email above
okay try this I sent it againTransaction ID
alleyboy1 and try this one Transaction ID: 87M39260LD073663K
is there another way I can send the payment?
send payment to
I made a payment here is the number:964210103G177002L please activate my account thanks
why can't I get in my account?
I can't get in my account
hey my account needs activation