Paypal: turn subscription on and click "Save changes" to activate via Paypal. Sign into Paypal to start your trial. You WILL NOT be charged until after the 30 days. You can cancel subscription any time prior to the 30 days expiring by going into your Paypal account -> Settings -> Payments -> Manage Automatic Payments.

Website says you will not be charged what am i doing wrong here

An error has happened while finalizing your subscription
Please contact us and attach this token ID EC-8WX51517FH170940K.

This is what I get


    No payment for 30 day trial. the token may have expired. try another browser.

      An error has happened while finalizing your subscription
      Please contact us and attach this token ID EC-0ND31417KE205604B.

      Did with 3 different browsers yet still the same error

        bmehmet Thank you and i cant wait to see whats in store for me after i start using lottodds

          Hi @yesno. We're fixed something on our side. Please try again. You should be able to activate trial subscription now.

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