Hi David, am I being a bit stupid here?
If we look at the lowest winning digit box feature and reduce it down taking out LLL, HHH, EEE and OOO, that will give us a total of 108 combinations to place our $0.25 on, equalling $27 bet in total.
If we win, we receive $37.50. A profit of $10.50.
In your first post you said that one state won 43 out of 62, which is great, more wins that lossers.
If however you win $10.50 per win, 43 x $10.50 is $451.50. But you lose 19 times at a cost of (19 x $27) $513, then you have a loss of $61.50.
Am I getting this wrong? I know you get $37.50 back from the bet but you have apent $27 on the bet.
Sorry if Im being stupid, just cant get my head around it.
In the HL reducing you can only select two more options to take out, this will give you 54 numbers remaining or 0 numbers remaining.
This post means no disrespect at all, you have and always and will do an amazing job and I totally appreciate all your time and hard work you put in to our little lotto family.