bmehmet Hi David, I know we have talked about various lotto clubs, cash5 and lowest number. Over the last few days, since you've been working on the odd/even alert, I've been thinking about a club that could be created to profit from the odd/even flip.
Would this work...?
The aim is to gradually build a pot so we can increase stake and increase states covered.
As you have demonstrated in previous posts, it costs $125 to cover a flip from odds to even, or vice versa. The $0.25 win would generate $100 profit from the $225 win.
We have 10 members and each put in the pool either: $200 (double stake plan)
Or $125 (1.5x stake plan)
See below for explanation.
We pick one state that we believe will flip.
We stick with that state till we win.
When we encounter a loss we double our previous stake on the next draw.
Demonstration of the staking:
Odds $125 LOSS (-$125)
Odds $250 LOSS (-$375)
Odds $500 LOSS (-$875)
Even $1000 WIN (+$925)
($92.50 per member)
Or to keep the bank safer you could do 1.5x stake so you will always have the $100 profit per flip.
Odds $125 LOSS (-$125)
Odds $187.50 LOSS (-$312.50)
Odds $375 LOSS (-$687.50)
Even $437.50 WIN (+$100)
($10 per member)
Now building the bank up, I would prefer the 1.5x staking plan. $10 per win doesn't seem a lot but within a week you could have doubled your initial investment and now each win would be worth $20 per member. Keep re-investing and each member could be looking at $xxxx per month, if not more.
Witb the new odd/even alert feature, this club would be awesome.
David, your thoughts?
Lottodds members, your thoughts?