Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax created by John Gruber, aiming to provide a easy-to-read and feasible markup. The original Markdown syntax specification can be found here.
The Basics
Here are the basics of standard markdown. Lets jump right in.
Bold Colors

Color chart
Line Breaks
To force a line break, put two spaces and a newline (return) at the end of the line.
Here is the code:
* This two-line bullet
won't break
* This two-line bullet
will break
Strong and Emphasize
Strong: **Strong**
or __Strong__
Emphasize: *Emphasize*
or _Emphasize_
Headers (like this one!)
Header 1
Header 2
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6
Links and Email
Just put angle brackets around an email and it becomes clickable:
Same thing with urls:
Perhaps you want to some link text like this: LottOdds Website
[LottOdds Website]( "Title")
(The title is optional)
IF you want Lottodds to post your IMAGES of your winnings, send the image to with the link to the post you want it inserted in.

For example:


- Lists must be preceded by a blank line (or block element)
- Unordered lists start each item with a
works too
- Indent a level to make a nested list
- Ordered lists are supported.
- Start each item (number-period-space) like
- It doesn't matter what number you use, I will render them sequentially
- So you might want to start each line with
and let me sort it out
Here is the code:
* Lists must be preceded by a blank line (or block element)
* Unordered lists start each item with a `*`
- `-` works too
* Indent a level to make a nested list
1. Ordered lists are supported.
2. Start each item (number-period-space) like `1. `
42. It doesn't matter what number you use, I will render them sequentially
1. So you might want to start each line with `1.` and let me sort it out
Block Quote
Angle brackets >
are used for block quotes.
Technically not every line needs to start with a >
as long as
there are no empty lines between paragraphs.
Looks kinda ugly though.
Block quotes can be nested.
Most markdown syntaxes work inside block quotes.
- Lists
- [Links][arbitrary_id]
- Etc.
Here is the code:
> Angle brackets `>` are used for block quotes.
Technically not every line needs to start with a `>` as long as
there are no empty lines between paragraphs.
> Looks kinda ugly though.
> > Block quotes can be nested.
> > > Multiple Levels
> Most markdown syntaxes work inside block quotes.
> * Lists
> * [Links][arbitrary_id]
> * Etc.
Inline Code
Inline code
is indicated by surrounding it with backticks:
`Inline code`
If your code has `backticks`
that need to be displayed, you can use double backticks:
``Code with `backticks` ``
(mind the spaces preceding the final set of backticks)
Block Code
If you indent at least four spaces or one tab, I'll display a code block.
print('This is a code block')
print('The block must be preceded by a blank line')
print('Then indent at least 4 spaces or 1 tab')
print('Nesting does nothing. Your code is displayed Literally')
I also know how to do something called Fenced Code Blocks which I will tell you about later.
Horizontal Rules
If you type three asterisks ***
or three dashes ---
on a line, I'll display a horizontal rule:
Hack On
That’s about it. Thanks for listening.
Happy writing!