Payment submitted transaction id is 4GU22659UK109750C
bmehmet Hi David
This is Les. please send the paypal link to make my payment. I have one special request. Deeluv and I have worked together before, please put me in club 1 if any spot becomes available please? Thanks Les
You are in club 1 and activated
Done. You'll find the Paypal link in your club
bmehmet Hi David, did you get my payment? I have paid yesterday! Club # 4
hi David I sent my payment this morning through bitcoins from my cash app. checking to see if you got it yet?
Will do the accounting shortly
it was sent around 10am. thanks
Where do I get access to club 4. I've already submitted payment
Link on the left side of the forum
bmehmet cant access lotto club 3 no more
bmehmet The Next List That Comes Up i Will partake In it Sir...
bmehmet if i can get on List i Will do well Thanks...
Are you asking to join a lotto club? What list?
Good morning David, I'm interested in joining one of the clubs when a slot becomes available. Thanks
bmehmet I will like to join
bmehmet which ever is open sure! Why not...
We have an opening on Lotto club 4. Let me know if you want to join that club
bmehmet are we voting tonight ,I emailed the leader no reponse
bmehmet I would like to join.. I work night shift and sleep days ..
Hi David am back I would like to be in the Club I work morning 5am to 230pm on weekend off
I can put you on Club 5 waiting list. All other clubs are full.