Hi David,
Okay I know this is a long shot, but I'd like to know if KENO will ever be featured into Lottodds.
Sure there are not many states that offer LIVE KENO. BUT there are many casino's that do run this game LIVE 24/7 some casinos run games for 8 hours per day, some around the clock each game approximately 5 minutes apart. Live online results.
http://kenousa.com/games/GVR/Valley/draws.php < starts 8am to 11pm everyday.
http://kenousa.com/ < List of casinos around Nevada and other states.
http://kenousa.com/games/Foxwoods/Main/ < Display of live game in Foxwood Conn.
Multiple ways to play and win betting on 1 to 20 numbers. Very nice payouts for small investments.
What do you think will this KENO ever be included into Lottodds.
Need more details. ASK, or you'll see when the winning club members visit Vegas.