IF you are going for a 12SUMS "MIRROR" of the 123Pattern and you choose a 12SUMS and the identical 123Pattern and your 12SUMS hitS but you lose - Why?
Because there are ALSO REVERSE and OPPOSITE patterns connected with the 12SUMS you selected. When you know what they are, you can play them too to make sure when your 12SUM hits you are GUARANTEED a win.
Look at the SUMS CHART below, do you see the DIRECT MIRRORS in GREEN?. NOW look at the BLUE colored letters. THEY are the REVERSE and OPPOSITE numbers. FOR EXAMPLE, if you choose 12SUMS 1,1 in the DIRECT MIRROR SECTION, you also choose the 1,1 pattern in blue.
THUS, you would be looking at patterns 12SUMS 1,1 + 123PATTERN 1,1 (DIRECT MIRRORS). THEN you look at the BLUE 12SUMS 1,1 + 123PATTERN (REVERSE & OPPOSITE). FOR EXAMPLE, 1,1+1,1+2,2. DON'T FORGET THE 3 PATTERNS
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