New profile ID: I-8K657FESTP9H as of May 22, 2020. Start a new account. 1st transaction paid 6/22/20 $9.95. ID#OHY89478F746330L.
Old Profile ID: I-FWRGJMTVUCFW as June 21, 20 paid ID# 1CN605205X068524C $9.95.
Hey David,
I had created a new profile ID as above in regard that my account would go disable for days. So I created a new ID and the first transaction payment was 6/22/20 as shown above. I attempted to delete my recurring payment account of my OLD above account in PAYPAL and my subscription has been disabled tonight by accident. I would like the new profile ID I-8K657FESTP9H DATED start 5/22/20 and first payment transaction ID# OHY89478F746330L to be my only account and hopefully with no interruptions or disable. Thank you.