When is the lotto pool launch?
We are still coding it. Should be ready for beta testing between March 5-10th.
I joined anything to support lottodds
bmehmet congratulations man!!!!
I am out of the loop. Will someone explain to me what I need to do to become a member of the lotto pool and how it works.
Please, thank you.
We are still coding the lotto pools. A bit more complicated. But so far so good.
hello, i need your help. i was part of the lottodds club and my email is edwinsemexant@aol.com. i would like to change my email to dimmere19@gmail.com but every time i try to change it i get an error. Is this something you can help me with..... thank you
What is the error message you get?
in profile settings, I changed my existing email to dimmere19@gmail.com and then i enter a password. then hit save/submit. then it says 404 page not found
Ok. will check that
it’s throwing that error because that email is already linked to another Lottodds account. Use the forgot passcode to access that other account you registered.
okay, thanks.