Does anybody here play one straight number all states like I play? in pick4 online
bornreal I am expecting 1661,1616 Straight evening draws....mostly 🤞🤞🤞🤞
bornreal Howdy again; That must have costs you a pretty penny to have that type of playing style?! I suspect you spend the bare minimum i.e. 25 cents per combo to keep your bankroll solvent just in case you didn`t get a hit? May I suggest you could also try a mirrored states playing style to change things up a bit and in that way you lessen your losses in case you go bust on all bets. Peace!
@mobile merchant#63355
You are right..Theres not big profits in this style of playing...I win a lot , at the same time lose when things go wrong after big wins...
Would love to learn more about mirrored states playing style...Thank you!
bornreal Here is a link to a webpage which I stumbled across online during my early years of learning the ropes of the daily games. Check out Some of the links pertaining to other subjects posted on the webpage appears to be out dated or are no longer active but look'll probably find something interesting to view and/or learn. I've actually bm the webpage on my laptop for reference purposes only and have only back tested its info a few times to verify whether or not its claims are true. So please do your own due diligence. I'm sure other resources are out there on the internet with maybe slight changes here and there for mirrored comparisons but since this was the first one I came across when I started doing my research I just stuck with it. Hope this helps. Peace!
@mobile merchant#63361 thank you ! looks like the website has some good info to learn