deeluv69 ....Here is a better explanations for the beginners.
When you see the previous numbers that have past winners that contain more digits from 0-9, it tells you they will have the highest chance of producing the next winner because they will contain 3 digits needed to predict the next winner when using the prediction tool. Think about it. If you need 3 digits to match the next winner, doesn't it make sense to have more digits from 0-9 present in the past winners? For example, in NY:
New York
03/11/2017 Midday 2-8-8-0
03/10/2017 Evening 3-5-2-4
03/10/2017 Midday 5-7-9-1
03/09/2017 Evening 4-2-6-0
Can you see how the past winners contain ALL the digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ......This is a perfect setup...It CLEARLY tells you the prediction tool most likely will produce the next winner because it has ALL the digits from 0-9. And guess what? it did produce the winner in the predicted numbers:
New York
03/11/2017 Evening 5-9-6-4
THUS, it is best to wait till you see a setup forming with more digits from 0-9 in prior winners THEN you work on the ODD/EVEN pattern. Once you worked out the ODD/EVEN pattern which can be more then one. You TURN-OFF all the ODD/EVEN patterns and TURN ON the pattern(s) you worked out. You can then further reduce the pattern by using the NUMBER PATTERN to reduce them. And the "3 Consecutive Number" filter. You can also go on the charts and check the history of past winners to see where the lotto machines are hitting recently. And you can check the history of ODD/Even patterns on an outside site to determine which pattern has been hitting the most (We will soon add a ODD/EVEN COUNTER).