LOL. I 'll feeling pretty good on chart 5 for eve. The 5s been popping in the eve so...
joez Me too...put $100 on it...tonights your night🙂
Dang food lion stops selling lotto at 10! Grrr
Was goin to play my same numbers from mid draw---
joez it works in fla Hey bro been running or testing your system in FLA: for tracking 1st 2nd & 3rd position, I call it unlocking the winning combination, and I was able to get unlock three draws in a row, it seems to bee working!! thanks man great idea!!! here's some video I'm loading some more
We have an opening on Lotto club 4. Let me know if you want to join that club
Yo! That's awesome bro! Really glad that due chart list is hitting for your state! Some states do not work well with it like NY.
Chart 5 and 8 for NC is being elusive as heck....
pick3p8n I need this 527,572 to come thru. I put $10 on 631 in MO CAME 621 so I need a win to calm me down lol
charts 5 and 8 lol
pick3p8n in my tic tac toe box 701 is there, the 045 brought it in, in the same box is where i seen 527,572 -______________-
I narrowed it down to 2 numbers 527,572. I threw $5 on one $2.50 on the other. I hope its cracks!
godsonofnumbers OMG wow, I know the feeling...I put $10 815 for VA and it came FN 518...SMDH🙂
godsonofnumbers I also had the 7 and 1 in my workouts but didn't trust them...I will now!
pick3p8n whats your email?
I got hit today balls got me🙂
Wagered MLB too doe
Chart 8 for VA gonna hit tomorrow, might be front pair 80(I'M PUTTING $10 on it)...I'll make sure I get dey a$$ back lol