The member will be presented with the 10 default lotto pools I create which will guarantee daily wins. The member no longer has to deal with 220 numbers. BUT only choose one or more lotto pools from the 10 to guess which lotto pool holds the next winner'
FURTHERMORE, the member will be able to reduce the 10 LOTTO POOLS by eliminating DOUBLES if they feel a double wont win. This will eliminate 5 lotto pools and leave 5. Second, the member can further reduce the 5 lotto pools by determining which LOWEST WINNING DIGIT has the highest chance of winning next. This will eliminate 3 more lotto pools leaving only 2 lotto pools. To further assist the member, I will make daily prediction videos on YouTube.
The purpose of this methodology is to get the members familiar with the lotto pool process, to work together as a group, to logically reduce numbers and to get a winning mentality as we prepare to move into larger lotteries.
THINK of it like this. When you play Pick3 BOX game on your own, you MUST choose one number out of 220 numbers to win. HOWEVER, in this process, you choose ONE number out of 10 Lotto Pools to share in the win (You can choose more than one number and more than one lotto pool). And as the prize gets larger, you make more money. THIS IS THE POWER OF LOTTO POOLS