• Contests
  • WIN A MACBOOK PRO - NOV. 1 - 30 2021 CONTEST - Romeo WINS!



(1) START DATE: NOV. 1 - 30, 2021,

(2) Member who has the MOST Pick3 winning numbers by contest end date wins (Min one win needed),

(3) Member must choose their PICK3 numbers in the lotto pool Here: https://lottodds.com/account/lotto-pools#368

(4) Member MUST choose no more than 5 numbers per draw - per day. Choosing more than 5 numbers will disqualify you.

(5) Lotto pool drawings are held the next DAY draw. Cut off time is 12AM EST drawing day Monday-Friday (No weekend drawings)

(6) IF members are tied, those members will play additional draws and the first one to win PICK3 wins the contest and prize.

(7) CONTEST winner will be announced a day after the contest END date and the prize will be immediately shipped to the winning member upon member confirming shipping address.

(8) CONTEST winner MUST submit a short video to lottodds holding the contest prize and allow lottodds to use that video for promotional purposes.

IF you don't own this laptop, you definitely don't know what you are missing. This is an awesome laptop

5 days later


933 11/01/2021 DAY HLL OOO CCC OII TSS COO 9 1,2 M2,1/M2,1/M1,2 15 H6 M1,2 H05 2,3

Read the Rules in the first post so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers per day to win the contest.


947 11/02/2021 DAY HLH OEO CLL OII TSS CSS 10 1,1 H2,2/L1,1/H2,2 20 L2 H2,2 L00 1,1

Read the Rules in the first post so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers per day to win the contest.


952 11/03/2021 DAY HHL OOE CLL OIO TSS COO 9 1,2 M2,1/H2,2/L1,1 16 H7 L1,1 H06 1,1

Read the Rules in the first post so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers per day to win the contest.


    524 11/04/2021 DAY HLL OEE LLL IOI SSS OOS 7 3,2 L1,1/L1,1/M1,2 11 L2 H2,2 L01 2,2

    Read the Rules in the first post so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers per day to win the contest.

    ROMEO hits the Pick3 winner!...Who Will be the next winner to force a playoff to win a new MacBook Pro?

    Good day Sensei;
    Can I make a suggestion.
    After posting of the winning Pick 3 number could you place the link pertaining to the rules of the lotto pool contest in the same line. In that way, there won't be any need for you to keep repeating yourself which I'm sure gets monotonous. It's also easier for those of us who may learn easier visually,

    Can't say it often enough. Thanks for all the hard work you and your able team of IT folks and supporters have put in over all these years to share and inform us on how to play these elusive games "intelligently". You could have been a one man band and allow greed and selfishness rule the day but your generous spirit and wanting to give back to your fellow men is admirable.

    God bless you all!

    "Give and it shall be given to you. Luke 6:38 {KJV}.

    @mobile merchant#66093

    Thanks for the suggestion. I won't post the rules in every post because it will be too long. What I can do is simply refer everyone to the first post above where the rules are posted.

    bmehmet I don't see 245 played in the pool I was in for 11/04/2021. Was there more than 1 pool in play for this draw?


    There were 2 pools.

    Each pool shares in their own prize. THUS, there is no need to view another pool that someone is not involved in because they don't share in that prize. HOWEVER, in the case of the contest, you can see all the pools and numbers selected before the 12AM cutoff time each day before new pools are generated. You can see your pool numbers any time by clicking ACTIVITY link.


    533 11/05/2021 DAY HLL OOO LCC III SSS OOO 9 3,3 M1,2/M1,2/M1,2 11 L2 H2,2 L01 2,3

    Read the Rules in the first post above so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers in the Pick3 lotto pool per day to win the contest.


    948 11/08/2021 Day HLH OEE CLC OIO TST CSC 10,1,1 H2 2/M1 2/M2 1 21 L3 M2,1 L01 1,2

    Read the Rules in the first post above so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers in the Pick3 lotto pool per day to win the contest.


    747 11/09/2021 DAY HLH OEO LLL III SSS SSS 11:3,1 H2 2/M2, 1/H2,2 18 H9 L1,1 H8 1,1

    Read the Rules in the first post above so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers in the Pick3 lotto pool per day to win the contest.

    We still don't have another winner yet. About 3 weeks remaining


    605 11/10/2021 DAY HLH EEO CCL IOI STS CCO 9 2,1 M1,2/H2,2/L1,1 11 L2 H2,2 L01 1,2

    aransas came close with 016.

    Read the Rules in the first post above so you don't get disqualified in the contest. You can only play 5 numbers in the Pick3 lotto pool per day to win the contest.


    What LOTTO POOL contest PRIZES would members like Lottodds to give out?

    I like that Macbook Pro of course and New Playstation 5 and Beats Bluetooth headset or iphone13/128gb and of course Big screen TV that's just a few off the top of my head.
    P.S-. Sony XR65A80J 65" A80J 4K OLED Smart TV (2021) Bundle with Deco Gear Home Theatre Soundbar with Subwoofer, Wall Mount Accessory Kit, 6FT 4K HDMI 2.0 Cables and More
    4.1 out of 5 stars

    A gift card to something - Amazon maybe?

    Latest iPhone with the most storage

    Latest Cannon, Nikon or GoPro

    The last drone prize was enticing - Iā€™d love to see it as a prize again

    A car

    This is what I can think of for now.