0248 0267 1579 2689 3479 9257 1111 2222 3333 0123 1322 2211
pick34pitbull off by one twice on Florida Midday 0128 lol
pick34pitbull still looks good for 11/09/21
pick34pitbull 0559 midday way off
pick34pitbull - don't catch my 1-off disease
I believe we'll only be doing Florida midday for now and playing straight so good work-out getting the winning numbers now just gotta try to prediction which way the even/odd and hi/lo pattern.
deeluv69 Fasho 💯
We are tweaking the Pick4 lotto pool. Once launched, IF all goes well and the members demand it, we'll also add EVE draws.
vette1sc I been off by one lol
pick34pitbull Florida Midday 2183 0367 4559 8218 9032
pick34pitbull 4459 off by one Midday 11/10/21