bmehmet thks boss
bmehmet Mr David I ask to do my subscription automatic payment I don’t like to do it manually every month I ask my PayPal they told lottodds will do it for you plz ty.
We cant setup auto pay from our side because it needs your authorization with PayPal. You need to use the subscription page here:
@bmehmet can I get my account activated please. Can you also just set it up so it's automatically activated as oppose to waiting for the manual activation or rehire the assistant you had that monitoring the page. Seems as if you've been pretty busy lately.
Are you good or do you still need help?
bmehmet still need help 2UY45680W11522123 01/20/2022 10:45:35 $9.95 Recurring Payment
Some of us have recurring payments being automatically deducted from Paypal monthly, but the Lottodds platform is still saying subscription needs to be activated (in spite of automatic payments being made to Lottodds via Paypal).
bmehmet Mr david activate my account plz
Transaction ID: 2N950050SH364383B thank you till I figure out how I do automatic payment ty.
I would need the PayPal payment ID# to research what's going on
All good Status: Active 02/28/2022 Type: Manual Comment: Manual
bmehmet thank you
bmehmet Mr david activate mine too plz ty.
Hi David. Can you please activate my account for me
Money Sent on January 29, 2022, Transaction ID : 7RT83009F91089531
Thank you.
Done Status: Active 03/02/2022 Type: Manual Comment: Manual
bmehmet mr david you didn’t activate mine plz
bmehmet Transaction ID: 2N950050SH364383B
Hi Mr. David my account still not active yet can you please check that for me . thanks
Hi Mr. David my account still not activate yet can you please check that for me . thanks
The account under username GABY is active. Unless you are using a different account. You registered 3 accounts. Status: Active 03/02/2022 Type: Manual Comment: Manual
bmehmet activate mine too plz
bmehmet Mr David it’s something wrong with my activation Transaction ID: 2N950050SH364383B
bmehmet Hi david you activate everyone but me idk what’s going on .