This CONTEST is EXTENDED till June 30th

WIN AN IPHONE 13 PRO + iPAD PRO - PICK4 LOTTO POOL - May 2nd-June 30th, 2022!


This will be the first contest prize offered for the Pick4 lotto Pool.

(1) Starts MAY 2nd to June 30th, 2022

(2) The Lottodds member who PICKED the MOST winning Pick4 numbers than any other member by June 30th, 2022 wins the prize above (Min one win needed),

(3) Member must choose their PICK4 numbers in the lotto pool Here:

(4) Members are allowed to choose from 1-100 numbers for each DAY and EVE draw in EACH lotto pool (MAX numbers that can be played is 800 per day total for all 4 lotto pools). It takes only one(1) number more than any other member to win the contest.

(5) Lotto pool drawings are held the next DAY. Number selection cut off time is 12AM EST Monday to Friday. Drawings are Mon-Fri (No weekend drawings)

(6) IF members are tied, those members will play additional draws and the first one to win PICK4 wins the contest and prize.

(7) CONTEST winner will be announced a day after the contest END date and the prize will be immediately shipped to the winning member upon member confirming shipping address.

(8) CONTEST winner MUST submit a short video to lottodds holding the contest prize and allow lottodds to use that video for promotional purposes.

a month later

@richard gebhard#66591 I want that Iphone13 and it's time for an upgrade from my iphone8 lol so let the games begin! 🎣

4 months later
bmehmet changed the title to WIN AN IPHONE 13 PRO + iPAD PRO - PICK4 LOTTO POOL - May 2-31, 2022!.
    8 days later

    bmehmet Hey Sensei, can I ask you why are we not playing the Pick3 & Pick4 games online @ BAS which use to be called "5Dimes just a name change and like this member just did one hundred thousand dollar wow!
    I wonder how much he spent to get that because we had eight thousand dollar in our pool and we did win jack and now we're not playing Pick4 Straight online first and without even playing Pick3 Straight first especially after learning about Spike and Trough boxed game only not even try out playing Pick3 Straight games. I just saying we could win multiple times in a week much easier with 1,000 instead of 10,000

    @richard gebhard#68617

    Not worth the payout. As soon as more members join the lotto pool, they will hit multiple times.