Learned my lesson on that draw I was going for 1L2E, when choosing 1 of anything always include the 0 of anything. Its cheap to play
For this draw I had
Sums: 13, 14, 16 (Sums 13 & 14 were not really in play which should have been trigger for me)
LowHighEvenOdd: 1L2E
Yields Combos:
0556 0565 0655 5056 5065 5506 5560 5605 5650 6055 6505 6550
If I would have played:
Sums: 13, 14, 16
LowHighEvenOdd: 0L2E, 1L2E
It would yield combos:
0556 0565 0655 5056 5065 5506 5560 5605 5650 6055 6505 6550
3344 3434 3443 4334 4343 4433
The 0L2E would have brought Sum 14 into play which along with sums 13, 16 was overdue.
For $6 more I would have had $9K, Oh well won $18.9K on Florida this week.
Still trying to decide on name of my new system "Game Over", or "Beast Mode". Will probably have to name it something generic just to pass Apple review process.