I'm mostly into Pick 3.However I've won several Pick 4 box a few times (last time over a year ago)
I really forgot the insane amount of doubles Pick 4 has (waaaay more than Pick 3 ) Now is more noticeable with all the doubles highlighted.
So I was thinking :
Why not have a "Singles Alert" feature for Pick 4 ?
It would work just as the Doubles Alert feature only meaning the opposite :
You'd receive an email every time singles hit 3-4 times in a row in any state (or any number of hits you think is good ,just like the other alerts)
With those alerts you'd have the perfect timing to play Pick 4 doubles
Pick 4 singles rarely hit more than 3-4 times in a row .I know that can be done manually but with the alerts it's be so much easier.
By having a a Pick 4 "Singles Alert" feature people hunting for doubles would have an awesome tool
Just a thought