I just posted another video for last night pick4 maryland ok David ok have good 1!
deeluv69 I love it! This is what I am talking about when I say "Lottodds is for intelligent Players". I will soon jump in and start playing the lotto again.
bmehmet thanks David Looking forward to you jumping back with us i want to tackle NY take 5 and cash 5 in NJ next qne my goal is to win the Jackpot by summertime.
Darrell do you strictly play pick4 ? I havent played in a couple of months, I was doing well using the odd/even patterns of pick 3. There were literally 5 or 6 states that were hitting daily. Then it stopped. Pick 4 was spitting out way too many numbers to whittle down. I never played the pick4 . Im really looking forward to Davids videos on the pick 5 and seeing how that goes. Its like waiting for a summer blockbuster. lol Been waiting months !!
richard gebhard Yes & No i do play pick3 but it seem every since i started studying pick4 in 9/2016 and hit for $13,000 in one day 10/31 i haven't hit a pick3 for over over $450 and pick4 has turn out to be more easeier for now funny. Now just remember to switch when you see one way get cold you have to use other way like you have combined winners and past winners that's one then two past winners only and then three using the chart. But i found out a way hot to manipulate the system.
deeluv69.....We are adding Take5 for NY. But you can use NJ Cash5 prediction tool. I will post more videos on Cash5. It is EASY to see how to catch the Cash5 winner. The trick is to choose the right patterns and throw them out like a FISHING NET and just wait till the winner come to you. In other words, you play the numbers every day and wait for the winner to come to you. The patterns will REPEAT as they always do and when they hit, the winning Cash5 number is GUARANTEED to be in the predicted numbers. This can be proven by BACK TESTING the predicted numbers with past Cash5 winners. We will setup a lotto club for the Cash5 type games so we can play multiple odd/even and group patterns to catch multiple Cash5 winners throughout the year. And we will win many.
deeluv69 I am willing to pay $200-$400 daily if your predictions hit on pick 3
Just curious how long were you practice playing before you actually started betting for real money ?
bmehmet Now that sound great and I know that we will win multiple time I'm feel so fortunate to be a part of Lottodds from day one I believed in you David. Thanks again
Do you always play straight? I'm nervous that I'll miss winning something if I don't play box.
kennyv 200-400 daily ? That seems excessive.
richard gebhard it is his business what he's willing to pay.
alanaweaver1 I'm saying 400 daily would leave no room for profit.
alanaweaver1 Exactly, there's a lot of places that I pay a lot of money, even local bodegas and 5dimes. So that's why I am willing to pay.
richard gebhard if he's playing on 5dimes a Straight Cash 3 hit is $900. I'm simply stating it's his business what he choose to do with his money. We can agree to disagree.
alanaweaver1 ....We will start working on the upgraded PREDICTOR ACCOUNTS this week. Anyone who wants to sell predictions can upgrade their accounts and receive SUBSCRIPTION payments from other members and post their daily predictions to only those subscribers. After that, we are adding the Pick3 Lotto Club.
bmehmet cant wait!!!
So I'll assume a pick4 club will come out too...??? at 10$ per number its a 45k win LOL....
joez ....We have the layout for Pick3 Lotto club. Once we roll that out and get good memberships, we will roll out Pick4. The lotto clubs will contain a winning number every drawing GUARANTEED. The issue is for the members to choose the correct chart within that club where the next winner will appear.
David, Please can i get the link or the page where the black number for chart 0,1,2,3 on pick 4 are?